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It’s clear the environment is in really bad shape with more severe and frequent extreme weather events occurring (remember in 2022 when we hit 40C and had ‘wild fires’ in England??) every year.
We believe something must be done for the sake of our future generations and that businesses are in the best position to help make the biggest difference. But we’re not just passionate about saving the planet, it’s also positively impacting society and communities as well.
We want to lead by example, creating an environmentally, societally and financially sustainable business in the hope that more companies will follow and move towards becoming sustainable brands also. We’re committed to being transparent, honest and truthful, so it’s important we backup what we do with evidence – so let’s dive in and see how we’re hoping to be a beacon amongst sustainable brands and inspirational to our peers.
Before we go any further, let’s just explain a few really key terms first that you might have heard being thrown around by companies…
At Carnival Internet, we’re passionate about being bold, doing the right thing and being 100% transparent. This is why we’re pledging to go beyond net zero and have a positive impact on the environment, whilst avoiding greenwashing by backing up what we do with evidence. Here’s some of the things we’re doing to achieve this -
We mentioned earlier about how we want to be super transparent - well here’s a shiny dashboard from our partners at Carma, showing the impact we are having as a community. You can see where the good effort is going, as well as more details about the species of trees, exact locations and communities that cultivate them.
Trees and plants take in carbon dioxide (CO₂) from the atmosphere during photosynthesis, storing the carbon in their trunks, branches, leaves, and roots. This helps mitigate climate change by lowering greenhouse gas levels, making them our biggest tool in fighting environmental disruption.
Kelp differs slightly from trees as it captures and stores significantly more carbon (roughly 10-15x more), but only lives for about 3-5 years on average (10-15x shorter roughly than a typical tree).
On top of this benefit, they also help -
Ok, so let’s talk about how much impact we’re having with some MATHS. For broadband, we can measure the CO2e impact by looking at the main processes – emissions from manufacturing the eero Wi-Fi devices, the logistics of getting them to your home and the electricity consumption of the network and the device.
So, per customer, we are offsetting over 21 tonnes CO2e per year or 65 tonnes of CO2e over the first 3 years. Now that’s being bold!
We decided to partner with Carma, an organisation specialising in supporting sustainable brands by carbon offsetting through reforestation, to help us achieve our goal of planting 1 million trees.
We feel their amazing approach, spirit and ethos of making positive social and environmental impact simple and affordable, creating jobs and planting trees, closely aligns with our own. Not only that, but we love the amount of visibility their dashboard creates; hopefully demonstrating our commitment to avoiding greenwashing…
Want to know about Carma? check them out at
We’re committed to being a leader amongst sustainable brands here in the UK, and our tree and kelp planting initiatives are just the beginning. By making a simple choice such as taking a different provider for your broadband can make a significant difference to the environment, whilst also getting the best and fastest kind of connection available. The longer you stay with Carnival Internet, the more trees and kelp plants we fund and the bigger your positive choice makes on the world. Together, we can make a difference, one tree at a time.